Aktuelle Tänze

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Beginner Tänze ab Januar 2024 Tänze für Fortgeschrittene ab Januar 2024
Electric slide Double devil Damn Mr. Funky
Canadian stomp To get a Girl Nothing but you Storm and stone
Stroll along cha Lord help me Twist & turns Around the Fire
Country walking The trail Strong bounds Ready for it
Country as can be Corn Lucky me Texas hold'em
Cowboy Charleston Stand by me Gone west Little Burrito
Come dance with me A bar song (Tipsy) Playboys Tippin`it up
Stray cat strut Raised like that When you`re drunk
Rockin Same boat
Down on your uppers Train wreck
I`m on my way Day of Victory
Irish stew Nickajack
Golden wedding ring Dim the lights
Beautiful day Heaven`s Jukebox
Whiskey bridges `Til you can`t
Coffee days + Whiskey nights Reunited
When you smile Knock off
American kids Give me your tempo
Jersey giant
Southern thing
Bring down the house
Texas time
Half past tipsy
Booze cruise
Open heart Cowboy
16 Bars